The Impresario
short comic opera by W.A. Mozart
Performances are presented in Dutch. Because of the visual and musical character of the performance, the language is no problem. We provide a programme of the performance in English.
A performance for both adults and children (min. 8 yrs.). Approx. 1 ½ hrs. (interval included).
Large wooden marionettes, put on stage by six puppeteers.
‘The Impresario’ is set behind the scenes of an opera theater in Mozarts time. Two ‘prima donna’s’ are having a fight for the main role, in the name of high art and for the benefit of the honoured audience. Mozart himself sets in motion a surprising outcome…
Mozart wrote ‘The Impresario’ (‘Der Schauspieldirektor’) in 1786 for a festive banquet at Schloss Schonbrunn, Vienna. The Amsterdam Marionette Theatre made a special adaptation of this play, in which Mozart himself pulls the strings.

“Duet for Cat and Baritone”
Stan Lambregts – baritone
Karin ten Cate – soprano